Chelsea Classical Studio Oil Painting Mediums
Chelsea Classical Studio
Safely and naturally enhance your oil colors and clean brushes with this convenient set. The Chelsea Classical Studio Sample Set of 8 includes 1 oz bottles of Chelsea Classical Studio Linseed Oil, Walnut Oil, Lean Medium, Fat Medium, Lavender Spike Oil Essence, Lavender Damar Varnish, and Lavender B...
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Products bearing the CL seal of The Art & Creative Materials Institute (“Caution Label”) contain ingredients that are toxic or hazardous, but can still be safely used in controlled environments if directions on the container or packaging are followed. See Health and Safety for further information.
Products bearing the CL seal of The Art & Creative Materials Institute (“Caution Label”) contain ingredients that are toxic or hazardous, but can still be safely used in controlled environments if directions on the container or packaging are followed. See Health and Safety for further information.