Featured Artists

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  • Katie Dobson Cundiff


    Follow @katiedobsoncundiff

    Florida-based painter Katie Dobson Cundiff is known for her bold brushwork. She has focused exclusively on oil painting since 2000, with an emphasis on plein air landscapes.

    A member of many arts organizations, Katie has exhibited with Oil Painters of America, American Impressionist Society, and more. She currently works as an adjunct professor at Ringling College of Art and Design.

  • Roger Dale Brown


    Follow @rogerdalebrownart

    Passionate about the outdoors since childhood, Roger Dale Brown strives to connect to the places he travels to and reflects his knowledge of nature, history, architecture, and culture in his art. His painting style is influenced by the Impressionist belief that painting from life is essential.

    He leads workshops in the U.S., abroad, and in his home studio in Tennessee.

  • Joe Gyurcsak


    Follow @josephgyurcsak

    With a bold, candid approach to painting, Joseph Gyurcsak paints a broad range of subject matter, including interiors, still live, and landscapes. He aims to capture the atmosphere, light, and mood of the scenes he paints.

    Joe is Utrecht’s Resident Artist/Brand Manager. He exhibits his work in galleries across the country.

  • Mia Tarducci


    Follow @miatarducci

    Mia Tarducci is an oil painter who loves painting on a large scale. Based in Pittsburgh, PA, her striking, color-driven work has been selected by jurors from MoMA, Guggenheim Museum, and more for several group exhibitions in the U.S. and abroad.

    She has mentored dozens of emerging artists and was recently voted Vice President of the Associate Artists of Pittsburgh.